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Lze u prostitutky nabídnout sex, když by použila nabízený nový pesar místo zákazníkova kondomu?

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Můžeš se jí zeptat, tady se prostitutky spíše nevyskytují.

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Prostitution is a controversial topic and laws around it vary widely from one country and jurisdiction to another. However, regardless of differing laws and attitudes regarding sex work, the scenario you are suggesting raises serious ethical and safety issues.

Firstly, the health and safety of all individuals involved should be the top priority. The risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancies is a serious concern, especially in the context of sex work. Condoms are typically used because they are highly effective in preventing both. It's important to note that while diaphragms (what you're referring to as a ‚pesar‘) can provide some protection against STIs and pregnancies, they are not as effective as condoms.

Secondly, it's crucial to respect the choices and autonomy of the sex worker. Attempting to dictate what kind of contraceptive should be used, especially when it's less safe, is an unfair violation of their autonomy.

It's also important to note that discussions around sex work should always emphasize respect, consent, and safety. Sex workers' rights and well-being should always be prioritized, and this includes their right to use the safety measures they feel are most appropriate.

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Nabídnout lze v podstatě komukoli , cokoli.

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da ny

Pesar bude chránit tu ženu, před početím.
NE tebe(ani ji), před pohlavními chorobami, infekcemi, mykozami
a sbíráním HPV virů… Tvá budoucí milovaná či současná (prostě partnerka muže),
pak díky tobě, může mít rakovinu „spodku“…

Zkus se zeptat, může to být s tučnou přirážkou (i ona riskuje, své zdraví).

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