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je to správně?

Dear Annie,
I am on vacation in the biggest city of Turkey, in Istanbul. I’m staying in Cansu‘s house. Cansu is my Turkish friend. Her house is lovely, just few metres from the river Bosphorus. The weather is excellent, it’s sunny and very hot. Yesterday, I visited the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, it’s also called the Blue Mosque. It has six minarets and it’s really amazing. Today I’m going to the Topkapi Palace. Cansu says that it is a briliant building with thousands of wonderful chambers. We’re also planning to go to the Grand Bazaar, which is one of the oldest covered markets in the world. There are about three thousand shops. The restaurants here are great . I have never eaten better food. The best part of menu are Turkish desserts, especially baklava is really delicious. It is a sweet pastry made of filo pastry and nuts, sweetened with honey. I am really having a nice time here.
I am going home on Friday.

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Nuk nuk

Gramatické chyby tam nevidím. Ačkoliv, kdyby přišel Quentos, možná by to posoudil odborněji.

Jediná chyba je spíše faktická. Bospor není řeka, ale průliv – anglicky „channel“. A pak méně důležitá poznámka, ve větě o baklavě máš dvakrát slovo „pastry“, v prvním případě by šlo použít např. „cake“ , ale není to zásadní.

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