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Mám v tomto anglickém textu chybu?

Nejsem nějaký expert na agličtinu, proto bych byla ráda, kdybyste mě upozornili na chybu, kterou najdete. Mnohokrát děkuji!
Dear Jana,
I ´d like to tell you some about my childhood because it is good to remember those times.
I am not a child, but I miss my childhood years. It was beautiful to be a child. Even now, when I am 16 years old, I remembered a lot of wonderful things that happened to me.
When I was a child I was allowed to do basically anything that I wanted to do. I would go outside, play games with my friends and play with dolls.
Being a child was fun and had many positive sides to it. As a child I never had to worry about having to a test the next day and I did not have to worry about money. Life was stress free. Only I had to worry about was what time my favorite serial were going to be on Saturday morning or what my friends were doing outside.
My mom sang me a lot of songs before I go to sleep and dad read stories.On Saturdays I would wake up late and sit in the living room and watched television.
I remember the first day of kindergarten where I met the most amazing people. I made friends with three girls. Even now I remember faces of my school friends and teachers.
I think the childhood time is the most memorable and happiest season for everyone. Because at that age, our expectations from life are very simple.
Best wishes Tereza!

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I'd (bez mezery před či za apostrofem) like to tell you someTHING about…
I remembered a lot of things that HAD happened to me (děj odehrávší se před jiným minulým dějem > předminulý čas) – NEBO I remember (tedy v současné době – pamatuji si) a lot of things that happened to me /dodal bych ještě třeba „in my childhood“, v tom případě předminulý čas netřeba.

„As a child I never had to worry about having to a test.“ – tam Vám asi vypadlo sloveso a předložka (having to study for a test, nebo tak něco)
stress-free psáno správně se spojovníkem
I only had to worry… (slovosled)
… what time my favorite SERIES WAS going to be SHOWN („serial“ je příd. jm. – sériový, např. serial killer) ON TV.
Mezi první a druhou větou třetího odstavce od konce chybí mezera.
Za Best wishes píšeme čárku, podpis pak (bez vykřičníku) samostatně na další řádek.
Jinak dobré.

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