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zkontrolujete mi, prosím, text, který se týká Turecka? Pokud se Vám nebude zdát slovosled, fráze či celá věta, dejte vědět. Děkuji :)
Turkey is located in Western Asia, but also in southeastern Europe. Until 1923 it was an Ottoman Empire. In that year Mustafa Kemal Atatürk established the Republic of Turkey. Now is the president Abdullah Gül. The capital of Turkey is Ankara but Istanbul is the largest. In Turkey, there are more than 74 million inhabitants. Most of them are Muslims. The official language is turkish. The highest point of Turkey is a biblical volcano Ararat. The top of the mountain is covered with snow all year. There are lots of beautiful historical monuments like the Topkapi Palace, the Suleymaniye Mosque or the Ottoman bazaars. The Topkapi Palace was the residence of the Ottoman sultans.

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south-eastern (myslím že by tam měla být pomlčka)
Now the president is Abdullah Gül.

a ještě mě napadá jestli nejsou the Muslims
a čárky ti některý chybí

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The capital of Turkey is Ankara but Istanbul is the largest city.

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