Dělám jednu internetovou stránk a z textu už můžete pochopit že angličtina mi moc nejde…(děkuji ti google)
I'm from Czech republick. And my english isn't perfect. But this webside isn't about writing but about my drawings, paintings and various creations.
I am little bit depressive human and this I transfer to art. My
big inspirations in art are Tim Burton and Andy Warhol. I want to move to
London because I like English and I really love Britain.
Art to me is everything what I feel…
I hope you enjoy my art style will love.
ohodnoťte nejlepší odpověď symbolem palce
Zajímavá 0 před 3528 dny |
Vážně vám jde jenom o gramatiku? Ony se tam najdou chyby i jiného rázu než gramatického (např. pravopis).
I'm from THE Czech Republic (skutečně s velkým R, na rozdíl od češtiny, a bez K na konci). And my English (na rozdíl od češtiny pro změnu s velkým E) isn't perfect. But this websiTe isn't about writing but about my drawings, paintings and various creations.
I am A little bit depressive human and I transfer this to art. My
big inspirations in art are Tim Burton and Andy Warhol. I want to move to
London because I like English and I really love Britain.
Art to me is everything that I feel… („what“ nikdy není vztažné zájmeno; popřípadě lze „that“ úplně vynechat – „Art to me is everything I feel“)
I hope you enjoy my art style will love – tato věta nedává smysl >
I hope you will enjoy my style.
I hope you will like my style.
Upravil/a: quentos
0 Nominace Nahlásit |
Proč neudělat souvětí namísto tří vět? Tu angličtinu vůbec nezmiňuj, nikoho to nezajímá.
I'm a ?? years old girl from the Czech republic and this is my personal blog
about my passions – drawings, paintings and various creations.
I like to express my feelings through my art creations, the most of them have
depressive mood. I find inspiration in the work of Tim Burton and Andy Warhol.
One day I would like to move to London since I love Britain.
Enjoy your stay.
0 Nominace Nahlásit |
I'm from Czech republic. And my english isn't perfect. But this webside isn't about writing but it's about my drawings, paintings and various creations.
I am little bit depressive human and that's what I transfer to an art. Two
of my
big art inspirations are Tim Burton and Andy Warhol. I want to move to London
because I like English and I really love Britain.
Art means everything what I feel to me…
I hope you enjoy my art style will love. (nesmyslné, „will love“ tam nepatří, nebo nevím, co tím chceš říct)
před 3528 dny
0 Nominace Nahlásit |