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Je v tomto anglickém textu chyba?

Nejsem nějaký expert na angličtinu, proto bych byla ráda, kdybyste mě upozornili na chyby, kterou najdete v textu. Mnohokrát děkuji!
Fabruary 14
Valentine’s Day is a day of love. Many people give their sweethearts a Valentine’s card, chocolate or flowers.
Something from history:
Claudius II. decided to ban marriage for young men.
St. Valentine continued to marry couples in secret.
When his actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death. Valentine was arrested.

Easter is a holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ and spring. People celebrate Easter in different ways, but many give each other chocolate eggs.

Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November and it is a day of great overeating.
People do not eat breakfast, lunch or dinner, but only one large meal.
The main meal of the day is roast turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and apple or pumpkin pie for dessert.
I think it is a good holiday, because it is a chance to travel and meet for many families that live far from one another.

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Bacha na věc – když tomu téměř scházejí chyby jako v tomto případě, učitele trkne, že to nemáte ze své hlavy (čerpala jste např. zde www.educationuk­.org/global/ar­ticles/festivals-and-holidays/ – dogooglit se toho nebylo tak těžké) a třeba schytáte pětku za pokus o podvod. Raději psát s chybami, ale formulovat to po svém.

Např. užití konjunktivu („ordered that he be put to death“) jste se zcela určitě neučili. Přeformulujte vše raději svými slovy.

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