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Kde je v tomto anglickém textu chyba?

Nejsem nějaký expert na angličtinu, proto bych byla ráda, kdybyste mě upozornili na chyby, kterou najdete v textu. Zejména mi jde o správnou skladbu vět (např. kde může být umístěno příslovce ‚here‘) Děkuju
Dear Jana,
my name is Reza, I am 18 years old and I live in Znojmo. I live in a flat with my parents and my youngest brother here. My brother’s name is Radim. He keens on fishing and a nature. The nature is a common habit of our family. We have a cottage close to our town . We are gardening or going for a long walk into the forest e.g.
Radim also attends the same gymnasium as I do. It is one of the most popular gymnasium in our region. I am happy with this school.
Out of the school that I devote a lot of time to learning, I make a yoga, attend the painting classes and my the most favourite hobby is reading.

I am very excited about your visit, I would like make for you a program that you will like it. Tell me please some your ideas what you want to do here and also tell some more information on your arrival.

See you soon. Reza

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